Our first class of the month of love had heartwarming dishes. We started of the class with hot yogurt soup which was just perfect to warm us up from the freezing cold outside. Yogurt soup is a popular comfort dish both in Turkey and Central Asia. It’s also a very common sick soup; even inhaling the strong smell of mint makes you feel better.
Our main dish was guvec; a Turkish dish made of meat and vegetables and baked in a clay pot, is one of the many treats of Turkish cuisine. The word guvec is derived from an Altaic word for a clay cooking vessel. The secret to preparing guvec is the slow cooking in the closed pot, which brings out the flavors of all the ingredients.
The meat, vegetables and spices are mixed together and placed in the pot, which is then covered with a pottery lid, but today many people use a sheet of aluminum foil instead. A meal is not complete in the Turkish tradition without a dessert tonights dessert was Tel Kadayif (Shredded Kadaifi) is one of the most well-known Turkish desserts with a sweet syrup. Tel is the word we use to describe those tiny shreds. t was a great fun evening with our students hope to see you next class.
