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TCCQ Cooking Class Reunion Iftar & Birthday Celebration

Writer's picture: TCCTCC

What a beautiful evening we had at the TCC Queens Cooking Class Reunion Iftar Dinner at TCCQ on Wednesday last. The Iftar dinner happily coincided with the class instructor, Sila’s Birthday. As a little surprise, there was of course a birthday cake and a rousing rendition of the happy birthday song.  As an added surprise, there was also a short video compilation of clips from cooking class participants who could not make it to the event, voicing their thoughts on the classes in general and sending their love and greetings to Sila for her birthday.

Everyone was too busy enjoying themselves, and our “official” photographer was absent, so we don’t have many photos to share. HUGE thanks to everyone who attended and we look forward to seeing you all at the next season of classes which will start in the Fall.

There were almost 40 people in attendance on the night – wish we could have got a pic with everyone!

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