The Turkish Cultural Center Long Island 2014 -2015 Weekend school graduation ceremony was held at TCCLI Ronkonkoma. Students hosted their parents and friends for Graduation on Sunday, May 24, 2015. The children showed their accomplishments by reciting newly taught Songs, poems, performing Turkish skits. Guest speaker TCCLI president Mr. Sadri Altinok stated that as a Turkish cultural center today we see that from the beautiful performances we have reached our goal of teaching these students our culture. I am thanking each and every one of our teachers who worked so hard for our kids.
Because these kids are our future generations it’s very important for them to get a good education and lesson and I see that today it is accomplished. Students also received many awards in different categories such as learning to read Turkish, reading Quran. The graduation ceremony ended with all the Weekend School Students receiving their certificate of completion after a long but fun course period from their teachers.
