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Certificate of Appreciation

Updated: Jul 20, 2020

The United States Army has the responsibility to manage both operational and institutional missions. The operational Army manages the whole range of operations around the world, which consists number of corps, armies, divisions, brigades and battalions. The institutional Army supports the operational Army. For instance, in order to train, educate, prepare, organize and guarantee the eagerness of all Army forces, institutional organizations provide the basic arrangements.

Globally, dedicated soldiers who serve in the Civil Affairs Military play an integral role in peacekeeping operations by executing foreign humanitarian assistance, civil information management, national assistance, population resource control and support to civil administration in that specific country. For peace-building stability operations, the United States usually sends its soldiers abroad. Turkey is one of the main regions for the U.S. to send its soldiers to promote and help build international stability and peace. Hence, on September 28, 2015, soldiers from 92nd Civil Affairs Battalion (Airborne) visited Turkish Cultural Center Queens (TCCQ) to learn about the organization and find out what they did not know about Turkey. The Executive Director of TCCQ hosted the group and had long informative conversations where everyone learned from each other.




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